Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Turkey Time!

Today was a great Thanksgiving at the Albrechts.  It started out with a morning at the Appleton YMCA with my dad, where we played racquetball and used some of the other equipment there.  I've been kind of restless without the daily basketball practices, so the physical exercise felt good.  I don't know if my dad would use quite the same words though :-)
Then, after a potato soup snack that my mom made, we headed off to Oshkosh to my family.  The meal wasn't a traditional Thanksgiving meal, but the meat was excellent.  It was rolled out with prosciutto ham, some sort of lettuce/spinach, and cheese in between the layers.  Then is must have been baked/melted through before serving because it was all together somehow.  Not to mention the chilled basil sauce that goes along with it at the end.  Ohhh...I'm shivering again just thinking about it - and I'm still pretty full!  
Anyway, it was a day to remember, and it made me realize that we all have a lot to be thankful for.  

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Presidential Election '08

It's such a dangerous thing to talk about politics in public, as it seems to stir a rather bold emotion in so many people. Everybody has an opinion on how things should work in Washington, and nobody I know really seems ready shift sides in any way no matter how small. Anyway, I will try my best.

I have to say that I was surprised at what a blow-out it was. I thought that McCain would at least have a fighting chance, but when you look at the final numbers, it's pretty pathetic. At the same time though, I wonder who is really breathing a sigh of relief right now. Obama faces an enormously challenging presidency, while McCain, although he has to be so disappointed that after all the time and effort he put into his campaign, he's done.

People have said to look around now, because in 50 years, maybe even less, people will be asking me, "What was it like when the first African-American became President of the United States?" Whether we like it or not, we're all witnessing monumental history right now. How will it change our lives? Will Obama be able to pull us out of the deepest hole America has faced in a long time? Only time will tell...